Recent developments…
After living in Malawi for 8 years and returning back to the Netherlands late 2013 a new adventure began. Malawi unfortunately didn’t end in a nice way and it was not easy in the Netherlands as well. The combination of returning, settling down and processing the final period in Malawi was not always easy.
Still we look back at a very valuable time. Now we can see that God was preparing something new. Something which we sometimes deliberately and sometimes unwittingly opposed, but what became alive at the beginning of last year with both us again: back to Malawi! Malawi dreams came alive again. Dreams that were already there in Malawi, but we were unable to put it to practice that time. A process began.
A process which raised many questions, but also gave new hope, with worries, but also a renewed love for Malawi. And then, some time later, in our own home, the dreaming continued. Shall we or should we not? What if … and how? There were questions and concerns as well. So we decided to go to Malawi with an open heart, with our plans to go and see together with God. Would a door be opened or would there sound a definite no? We were prepared for both.
After thinking and praying about it for a month we realised that the flame had become a fire and we came to the decision to get it going. The plans that rolled out of this process you can find on this website and Gulugufe’s. Plans that already were alive in us when we lived in Malawi before, but now by experience, conversations, reflection and deepening have formed in the recent 3 years. Plans of our hearts, grown from our love for God and the people of Malawi.
This is where we want to use our gifts and talents for.
Please read and experience it with us.
Paul, Esther, Ezra, Anna & Jona